An ‘ace opportunity’ for A-Star entrepreneurs

Read all about ‘An ace opportunity for A-Star entreneurs‘ in the April / May edition of The Franchise Magazine.

Are you A-Star?

Our franchise owners are passionate about the positive impact of sport on everyday life. To nurture in young children a fun, positive outlook and a life-long commitment to being active is, in our experience, job satisfaction at its best.

Running your own business can also be financially rewarding. In today’s climate, according to the Small Business Report 2011, ‘it’s more risky to stay in employment than become your own boss!’. The report itself outlines a ten point plan to encourage start-ups and support existing businesses to grow, so you won’t just have our support in your business development journey.

Having experienced the all-round benefits of sport for yourself, why not choose it as a career with A-Star Sports?

Our franchise territories
Full details of available territories are available on request. Territories are exclusive to each franchise owner.

Our franchise package
Full training is provided
Equipment starter kit to deliver all levels of the programme (including the 10 core sports) and parties / events
Comprehensive business and coaching manuals
Exclusive, defined territory
Licence to use the A-Star name and logo (trademarks pending) and advertising materials
Fully supported website
Ongoing support from Head Office

For more information contact us at or call 0845 459 2210.

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