A-Star Sports is govtoday’s new partner for ‘children’s activity and wellbeing’

A-Star Sports is delighted to be govtoday’s new partner for ‘children’s activity and wellbeing’.  The govtoday research team presented A-Star Sports as a positive partner to have in this role from a carefully selected national shortlist.  The key emphasis is on being successful practitioners within this field who can share real knowledge amongst a networking platform of decision-makers and take up the opportunity to influence policy.

Govtoday is the media platform dedicated to delivering the latest news and views from across all the fields of government through an ongoing programme of events and online communications.  Representatives of the A-Star Sports co-founding team will attend the upcoming Public Health 2013 conference on 13th March, focussing on the key policy issues affecting the UK today.

Discussions will highlight challenging areas associated with the work of the new Health & Wellbeing Boards, such as changing mindsets in relation to physical activity and creating enduring participation.

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